We are lucky enough to be able to buy 12 hectares of land with our farmhouse. Like, we really need 3 fields and a wood. Well actually, we really love the wood, but the farmer won't sell just the wood, we have to buy the fields too. Our estate agent advises us that it is no bad thing to have plenty of land round us. We are like lambs to the slaughter. But hey, it is the trees and the lush greeness of this property that has attracted us. So, yes, let us have more land, and spend even more money!
I have uploaded this picture below, and I can't get rid of it.....so it stays. The house looks very pretty in the distance. the walls are covered in crepie, or crappy as we have been calling it. It is a type of render. We hope to return to the original stone underneath. This means blasting and chipping all the old crepie off and repointing around the stones underneath. It will be a big job!